Youth for an anti-racist Europe

вторник 21 март 2023 г. 18:00 ч. 19:30 ч.


50 Участници

Youth for an anti-racist Europe

How can we combat racism in Europe? And how can youths play a role in the anti-racist work and EU politics? With the upcoming European elections in 2024, we want to open up the discussion between civil society and the politicians in the European Parliament on how we can achieve an anti-racist Europe.

What? Panel discussion on how to enhance the anti-racist work within Europe.
Who? Meet Moné Ukonu and Julia Bergman youths from the human rights organisation IM Sweden, Yaroslav Minkin and Yuliya Lyubychthe from the Ukrainian youth organisation STAN, Alice Bah Kuhnke (Greens/EFA) and Abir Al-Sahlani (Renew), Swedish members of the European Parliament. The panel discussion is moderated by Aygül Kabaca.
When? 6.00-7:30 PM (CET), 21st of march.
How? Join us online. You will have the chance to be a part of the discussion and ask questions to the panel. Register here on the event page.

The event is organised by IM Sweden, STAN and the community in Sweden. 
