
Get Fit and Vote in the European Parlimentary Elections 6th-9th June 2024

понеделник 11 март 2024 г. 20:22 ч.
вторник 11 юни 2024 г. 18:30 ч.



#FitToVoteEU24 Get Fit and Vote in the European Parliamentary Elections 6th-9th June 2024 How to Participate: 1. Find the distance between your location and the nearest Voting Station. 2. Practice running, walking, cycling etc. that distance up to the 6-9th June 3. Record your progress, speed and distance and post online using #FitToVoteEU24 This is created in Galway, Ireland, but, it could be run anywhere as it is a social media event. 4. See how well you do on Voting Day 5. Post your results to social media using the hashtag #FitToVoteEU24

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